Keeping Fleas Out of Taxidermy and Other Pest Control Tips

Keeping Fleas Out of Taxidermy and Other Pest Control Tips

  • Why Are Your Traps Not Catching Rats?

    Setting traps can be an effective way of dealing with rats running around your home. However, there is no guarantee that traps will immediately solve your problem and catch the rats that are driving you crazy. If you've set traps and they aren't catching any rats, ask yourself three key questions. Are the Traps in the Right Locations? Rats tend to stick to using the same areas, creating 'rat runs' to travel around.

  • How to Catch Mice That Snatch Food From Traps

    There's nothing more infuriating than checking your mouse trap only to find that your mouse has eaten the food you used as bait without triggering the trap. Some mice are adept at removing food without setting off traps; others just get lucky. Now that you've encouraged the mouse to eat from the trap, you may need to make it harder for it to get your bait to allow the trap time to do its job.

  • Humane Ways to Remove Rodents from Your Home

    With spring now steadily on its way, animals everywhere are preparing for the breeding season. As cute as baby animals are, some are far more welcome than others. Rodents, like humans, would prefer to spend their cold winter days indoors. While mice tend to breed wherever there is food, they have bigger and more frequent litters in spring. These two things together can mean household rodent outbreaks in early Australian springs. Calling an exterminator or laying out traps and poison may be a fast way to get rid of them, but many people can't find it within their conscience to kill them.

  • Why Call for Professional Pest Control for Your Home?

    No one likes to think of having pests in their home; bugs and rodents can be frightening and downright disgusting, and you may find their droppings anywhere in the house. While typically the occasional cockroach or mouse may not be an issue, it's good to think about calling a professional if you know you have a persistent problem with any type of pest control issue, for your own protection and the protection of your home.

  • Got a Cockroach Menace? 3 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Them

    Cockroaches are a common house pest. Although they do not damage property like termites do, they are a grave health hazard. They can contaminate surfaces and your food reserves, thereby transmitting diseases to you. If you detect cockroaches in your home, there are several steps you can take to rid your home of these nasty bugs. Read on to see what they are. Seal all possible entry points One preventive way to keep cockroaches from your home is to keep them from getting in at all.

  • 2023© Keeping Fleas Out of Taxidermy and Other Pest Control Tips
    About Me
    Keeping Fleas Out of Taxidermy and Other Pest Control Tips

    Hello, my name is Frieda, and I have a small phobia of bugs and mice. As a result, I have learned everything possible about keeping these critters out of my home. As I have had all of my old pets artfully positioned by taxidermists, I have also learned niche skills such as keeping pests out of the fur of taxidermy animals. In this blog, I am going to put together the best of everything I know along with some tips from the pros. I hope you find the info you need to live a happy, healthy life in a bug and pest-free home. --Frieda